
During the coronavirus pandemic, our priorities are:

  1. to ensure that we take every measure we can to avoid spreading the virus. This means you, the public and our faithful volunteers. If you see something which we could do better, please tell us
  2. to follow government guidelines
  3. to keep everyone informed about what we are doing by notices outside, on Facebook and by personal contact
  4. to keep the Inspire Cafe open as long as we can because we know that it is an important place for those living on their own to meet and have a meal
  5. to support the elderly and families in financial difficulty. We are preparing frozen meals which we will deliver if necessary. If you would like to be on the list or you know others who may need this help please fill in the form and return it to the Strand Centre. There is no charge for these meals.

How You Can Help

If you would like to help you could:

  • offer to deliver frozen meals to front doors
  • make a donation to the cost of running the Centre, which continue even when the Centre is scarcely used
  • help in the kitchen if/when the usual people are unable to

Please download this form and return it to the Strand Centre, speak to any volunteer or contact us.

Food and other basic needs

Many people have been very kind in offering food and other items which we can arrange to give to those in need. We will require more as the crisis deepens and everything you give will be greatly appreciated.


Our policy is never to give money directly to anyone. Instead we will buy a bus or train ticket, we will put money on an electric meter card, and we will buy what is required and give it to them. For this reason we have a Needy Fund and contributions to this fund are always gratefully received.


We keep a store of sleeping bags, small tents and men’s clothes for homeless people and we are always grateful for these provided that they are a decent condition.


As the crisis develops, we are likely to need drivers willing to deliver food
and other essentials.

Financial support for an empty building

We are very grateful for government help to retain our Chef/Manager when the Inspire Café is closed. However, we still have to pay other expenses such as insurance, utilities and so on. We reckon that the total is around £1,000 per month. All our income from the Café and bookings has stopped, donations towards these costs would be greatly appreciated.

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